آژانس هواپیمایی و مسافرتی آفتاب ساحل آبی
آژانس هواپیمایی و مسافرتی آفتاب ساحل آبی
  • سه‌شنبه 23 بهمن 1403
  • Tuesday  11  February  2025
  • سه‌شنبه 23 بهمن 1403
  • آژانس هواپیمایی و مسافرتی آفتاب ساحل آبی ، شرکت خدمات مسافرت هوایی و جهانگردی
  • فروش بلیت به ایرانیان خارج از کشور ، پرداخت پول توسط بانک و دریافت آنلاین بلیت
  • مجری مستقیم تور دبی ، رزور بهترین هتلهای دبی در سریعترین زمان و بهترین نرخ
  • صدور بلیت هواپیما و پروازهای داخلی و خارجی ، بلیتهای داخلی ایران ایر ، ماهان ، آسمان ، آتا ، قشم ، معراج ، تابان ، کارون ، زاگرس
  • خدمات آنلاین مسافرتی ، صدور بلیت هواپیما بصورت اینترنتی و پرداخت از طریق کارتهای شتاب بانکی
  • فروش بلیت خارجی ترکیش ، امارات ، قطری ، چاینا ساترن ، لوفتانزا ، ایر فلوت ، آلیتالیا ، اکراین ، عمان ، ایژین به شهرهای جهان
  • پرداخت از طریق سیستم بانکی و دریافت مدارک بدون مراجعه حضوری
  • مجری مستقیم تور دبی تایلند مالزی ترکیه چین ارمنستان روسیه بالی هند پوکت آنتالیا استانبول
  • اخذ وقت سفارت و وایز فیش بانکی و دریافت پاسپورت بدون حضور مجدد مسافر
  • آژانس هواپیمایی و مسافرتی آفتاب ساحل آبی ، شرکت خدمات مسافرت هوایی و جهانگردی
خرید اینترنتی و آنلاین بلیط هواپیما ، ارزان ، سریع و مطمئن

تور استانبول 3 شب و 4 روز پرواز ترک ترانسفر اختصاصی با صبحانه فقط 10050000 تومان

تور استانبول 3 شب و 4 روز پرواز ترک ترانسفر اختصاصی با صبحانه فقط 10050000 تومان

تور ویژه انتالیا با پرواز مستقیم ترک سرویس uall فقط 24200000 تومان

مخفف اصطلاحات هواپیمایی

Segment Sell SS
Free SaleFS
Waitlist RequestedLL
Confirming From WaitlistKL
No Action TakenNO
Unable to Confirm; Flight Does Not OperateUN
Unable to Confirm; Waitlist ClosedUC
Unable to Confirm, Have WaitlistedUU
Unable to Accept Sale; WaitlistedUS
Holding ConfirmedHK
Have Requested SeatHN
Have Placed On WaitlistHL
Confirmed Through Direct Access LinkLK
Cancel WaitlistXL
Cancellation RecommendedXR
Cancel Confirmed or Requested Segments or WaitlistXX
Deferred Segment; Move the Segment to PNR HistoryDL
Space Available ListingSA
Non-Revenue Passenger ListingNR
Industry Discount ListingID
If not Hold NeedIN
Confirmed , Time is changedTK
Waitlisted , Time is changedTL
Have Requested Seat, Time is changed.TN

SSR Codes 

Advise if ticketedADTK
Authorize OA to issue ticketAUTK
Animal in holdAVIH
Asian vegetarin mealAVML
Infant mealBBML
Bicycle as baggageBIKE
Bland mealBLML
Blind passengerBLND
Bulky baggageBULK
Cabin baggageCBBG
Child mealCHML
Airport check in (no reply)CKIN
Client ldentificationCLID
Cruise passengerCRUZ
Diabetic mealDBML
Deaf passengerDEAF
Deportee accompaniedDEPA
Deportee unaccompaniedDEPU
Extra seatEXST
Form of ID for electronic tktFOID
Fruit platterFPML
Frequent traveler (award)FQTR
Freq. Trvlr u/g svc. RecognitionFQTS
Freq. Traveler u/g w/accrualFQTU
Frequent traveler /flierFQTV
Fragile baggageFRAG
First available (sked chg)FRAV
Gluten free mealGFML
Group seat requestGPST
Group fare dataGRPF
Group passive notificationGRPK
Group bookingGRPS
High fiber mealHFML
Hindu mealHNML
Kosher mealKSML
Specify language spokenLANG
Low calorie mealLCML
Low fat/low cholesterol mealLFML
Low protein mealLPML
Low sodium mealLSML
Meet and assistMAAS
Medical case/situationMEDA
Moslem mealMOML
Name changeNAME
Non lactose mealNLML
No smoking aisle seatNSSA
No smoking bulkhead seatNSSB
No smoking seatNSST
No smoking window seatNSSW
Oriental mealORML
Other services (explanation required)OTHS
Emergency contact for passengerPCTC
Pet in cabinPETC
Low purin meal (low uric acid)PRML
Passport numberPSPT
Record locatorRLOC
Request seatRQST
Raw vegetarian mealRVML
Pre-reserved seatSEAT
Ships crew (seamen)SEMN
Seafood mealSFML
Bed in cabinSLPR
Smoking aisle seatSMSA
Smoking bulkhead seatSMSB
Smoking seatSMST
Smoking window seatSMSW
Sports equipmentSPEQ
Special mealSPML
Stretcher passengerSTCR
Ticket Number Electronic TicketingTKNA
Automatically generated TCNsTKNC
Ticket Number Electronic TicketingTKNE
Ticketing ManualTKNM
Ticket time limitTKTL
Transit without VisaTWOV
Unaccompanied minorUMNR
Vegetarian mealVGML
Vegetarian meal (lacto-ovo)VLML
Dry cell battery wheelchairWCBD
Wet cell battery wheelchairWCBW
Manual power wheelchairWCMP
on-board wheelchairWCOB
Excess baggageXBAG

Hotel Room Codes

Double room with bathDBLB
Double room with bath and sitting roomSUIT
Double room with bath , twin bedsTWNB
Double room with showerDBLS
Double room without Bath / showerDBLN
Double room without shower , twin bedsTWNS
Single room with bathSGLB
Single room with shower onlySGLS
Single room without Bath / showerSGLS
Triple room with bathTRPB
Quadruple room (4 persons) with bathQADB
Quintuple room (5 persons) with bathQINB
First Class HotelFHTL
Luxury Class HotelLHTL
Maximum (Superior)  room rate desiredMAXR
Moderate (Medium) room rate desiredMODR
Second Class HotelSHTL
Tourist (third) Class HotelTHTL

Codes Commonly used in RMK and OSI

Additional collectionADC
Advice of schedule changeASC
Advise. (ed) , (ing)ADV
Advise acceptanceADAC
Advise arrivalADAR
Advise disposition of spaceADSP
Advise if duplicate bookingADB
Advise if not okay (correct)ADNO
Advise if ticketedADTK
Advise namesADVN
Advise on arrivalADOA
Advise rateADVR
Travel AgentAGT
Arrival unknownARNK
Arrive (ed), (ing), arrivalARR
As soon as possibleASAP
Authority, authorize , authorizationAUTH
Change name toCHNT
Clarify-your message not understoodCFY
Commission rateCOMM
Connect , connecting , connection , connectedCONX
Contact , (ed) , (ing)CTC
Address (home or hotel)CTCA
Business phoneCTCB
Home phoneCTCH
Travel Agent phoneCTCT
Phone nature not knownCTCP
Depart (s), (ed), (ure)DEP
Diplomatic courierDIPL
Do all possibleDAPO
Endorsement requestEQR
Equivalent fare paidEQFP
Estimated time of arraivelETA
Estimated time of departureETD
Extension (ed), (ing)XTN
Fare construction unitFCU
First availableFRAV
IATA Rate Of ExchangeROE
If unableIFUN
Inadmissible PassengerINDA
International route chargeIRC
Layover at airlines costSTPC
Left leg cast used wih SSR MEDALEGL
Right leg in cast used with SSR MEDALEGR
Both legs in casts used with SSR MEDALEGB
Military air transport service (USA,CL)MATS
Miscellaneous charge orderMCO
Misconnect (ed), (ion)MSCN
Name to be advisedNTBA
No connectionNOCN
No operate(ion)NOOP
No showNOSH
No traffic rightsNOTR
Not reconfirmed by passengerNRCF
Neutral unit of constructionNUC
One wayOW
Origin (al) , (ate) , (ated) , (ation) , (ating)ORIG
Oxygen needed during flight used with SSR MEDIDOXYG
Passenger name recordPNR
Passenger will contactPWCT
Prepaid ticket advisePTA
Protecting reservationPROT
Record LocatorRLOC
Reference my letter , (memo.,etc.)REML
Reference my telegram, cable, wireREMT
Reference letter , (memo.,etc.)REYL
Reference your telegram , cable , wireREYT
Refund ,fullRFD
Release (d) ,(ing)RLSE
Repeat (ed) (ing)RPT
Reply to doplicate booking inquiryRDB
Request if desiredREQD
Round tripRT
Schedule (ed) ,(ing)SKED
Telephon extentionX
The complete Party is (TCP10)TCP
Ticket numberTKNO
Ticket totalTKT TOTL
Unaccompanied minor (follow by age)UM08
Very important passengerVIP

Action Codes

Cancel confirmed / requested segment or auxiliary serviceXX
Cancel only if the requested segment or auxiliary service is availableOX
Cancel listing (waiting list)XL
Always indicate reason as an OSI ElementXR
Computer System generated Action/Advice CodeLK
If holding cancelIX
If not holding, NeedIN
If not holding, SellIS
List (add to waiting List)LL
List space available ID passengerLL
Need, Reply required indicating action takenNN
alternative segment immediately followingNA
With the other airlineFS
Space requested, Reply only if availableSQ

Advice Codes

Confirming from waitlistKL
may be stated in a SSR ElementNO
Unable - Have waitlistedUU
Unable flight dose not operate or spechial service not providedUN
segment closed - have not waitlistedUC
segment closed - have waitlistedUS

Status Codes

as a result of previous access between computer systemsLK
Have listed (on waiting list)HL
Have requestedHN
Holds comfirmedHK
(Between ATA Members and/or bilateral use only)HQ
considered for automatic waitlist confirmation.OL
forces a NN message to be generated.ON

Schedule Change Codes


Car Type Codes

Compact carCCAR
Compact stationwagonCWGN
Economy car (Automatic)ECAR
Economy car (Manual)EMAN
Economy stationwagonEWGN
Intermediate carICAR
Intermediate stationwagonIWGN
Luxury carLCAR
Luxury stationwagonLWGN
Standard/Full size carSCAR
Special car (details to follow)SPCL
Standard/Full size stationwagonSWGN